Studia Śląskie tom 23 - okładka

Silesian Studies vol. 23


I. Articles

  • Juliusz Demel, The early days of Józef Siemianowski’s newspaper “Głos Śląski” (Silesian Voice) in Gliwice in 1903
  • Edmund Klein, The conference of Upper-Silesian workers’ and soldiers’ councils in Gliwice on November 22nd 1918 (The journey of Hugo Haase to Upper Silesia)

II. Miscellanea and Materials

  • Alfred Nowak, The Kuźnia Raciborska parish registers as source material for investigating occupational traditions
  • Leonard Smołka, The state, the nation and society as treated in the Polish press of Opole Silesia in the years 1922—1939
  • Krystyna Heska-Kwaśniewicz, The children’s newspaper “Mały Polak w Niemczech” (The Little Pole in Germany)
  • Ryszard Hajduk, Hitherto unknown activities of Arka Bożek and the “Koło Ślązaków” (Silesian Cirlcle) in Great Britain
  • Stanisław Gajda, Sociology of Christian names on the example of Opole and its neighbourhoog
  • Zygmunt Nowak, Activities of the Industry and Trade Commission of the Provincial National Council in Opole in the years 1962—1963
  • Bożena Sołtys-Schayerowa, A letter to the Editor’s Office of the Silesian Studies
Autorzy / Authors

Demel Juliusz, Gajda Stanisław, Hajduk Ryszard, Heska-Kwaśniewicz Krystyna, Klein Edmund, Nowak Alfred, Nowak Zygmunt, Smołka Leonard, Sołtys-Schayerowa Bożena

Miejsce wydania / Place of issue


Rok wydania / Year of issue

Redakcja / Editorial staff

Józef Kokot

Liczba stron / Number of pages