Editorial Office

Editorial Board

Marek Czapliński (the University of Wrocław), Kazimierz Dola (the University of Opole), Wiesław Drobek (Opole University of Technology), Krzysztof Frysztacki (the Jagiellonian University), Dan Gawrecki (the University of Opole), ks. Andrzej Hanich (the Silesian Institute), Krystian Heffner (the University of Economics in Katowice), Zdeněk Jirásek (Silesian University in Opava), Ryszard Kaczmarek (the University of Silesia), Michał Lis (the Silesian Institute), Krzysztof Malik (Opole University of Technology), Marek Masnyk (the University of Opole), Eduard Mühle (the University of Münster), Stanisław S. Nicieja (the University of Opole), Robert Rauziński (the Silesian Institute), Andrzej Sakson (the Institute for Western Affairs in Poznań), Stanisława Sochacka (the Silesian Institute), Grzegorz Strauchold (the University of Wrocław), Maria W. Wanatowicz (the University od Silesia), Klaus Ziemer (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw), Rudolf Žáček (Slezská Univerzita v Opavě)

Editorial Committee

Tomasz Głowiński (the University of Wrocław), Krzysztof Kleszcz (the Silesian Institute), Bartosz Jan Kuświk (Editor-in-Chief – the Silesian Institute), Bernard Linek (the Silesian Institute), Piotr Pałys (the Silesian Institute), Brygida Solga (the Silesian Institute), Teresa Sołdra-Gwiżdż (the University of Opole), Katarzyna Widera (Opole University of Technology), Robert Wieczorek (Editorial Office Secretary – the Silesian Institute), Bogusław Wyderka (the University of Opole)

Thematic editors

Brygida Solga (social sciences), Bartosz Jan Kuświk (humanities)

Language editor

Agata Haas (the Silesian Institute)

“Silesian Studies” reviewers in the years 2013–2024

Piotr Badyna (the University of Wrocław), Antoni Barciak (Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences), Konrad Białecki (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Marek Białokur (the University of Opole), Henryk Brandenburg (the University of Economics in Katowice), Monika Choroś (Opole), Tomasz Ciesielski (the University of Opole), Anna Czapla (the Catholic University of Lublin), Adriana Dawid (the University of Opole), Jerzy Dębski (Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oświęcim), Wiesław Drobek (Opole University of Technology), Adam Drobniak (the University of Economics in Katowice), Andrzej Drogoń (the Institute of National Rememberance – Katowice), Mariusz Drygier (the University of Opole), Adam Dziurok (the Institute of National Rememberance – Katowice), Maciej Fic (the University of Silesia in Katowice), Andrzej Gliński (Grzegorz Piramowicz Institute), Barbara Górnicka-Naszkiewicz (Głubczyce), Grzegorz Grajewski (National Institute of Cultural Heritage), Stefan Marek Grochalski (the University of Opole), Krystian Heffner (the University of Economics in Katowice), Małgorzata Iżykowska (Opole), Stanisław Januszewski (Wrocław University of Technology), Marian Kachniarz (Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences), Jerzy Kiełbik (Wojciech Kętrzyński Northern Institute in Olsztyn), Danuta Kisielewicz (the University of Opole), Andrzej Klasik (the University of Economics in Katowice), Robert Klementowski (the University of Wrocław), Renata Kobylarz-Buła (the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War), Wiesław Koczur (the University of Economics in Katowice), Stanisław Korenik (Wrocław University of Economics), Daniel Koreś (the Institute of National Rememberance – Wrocław), Maciej Korkuć (the Institute of National Rememberance – Kraków), Elżbieta Kościk (the University of Wrocław), Stanisław Koziarski (the University of Opole), Florian Kuźnik (the University of Economics in Katowice), Danuta Lech-Kirstein (the University of Opole), Paulina Legutko-Kobus (SGH Warsaw School of Economics), Michał Lis (the Silesian Institute), Agnieszka Lorek (the University of Economics in Katowice), Joanna Lusek (Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom), Sławomir Łodziński (the University of Warsaw), Marcin Łuszczyk (Opole University of Technology), Piotr Madajczyk (the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw), Marzena Makuchowska (the University of Opole), Krzysztof Malik (Opole University of Technology), Katarzyna Mazur (Silesian University of Technology), Andrzej Michalczyk (the Ruhr-University Bochum), Jolanta Migdał (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Marian Mitręga (the University of Silesia in Katowice), Wanda Musialik (Opole University of Technology), Joanna Nowosielska-Sobel (the University of Wrocław), Mariusz Patelski (the University of Opole), ks. Joachim Piecuch (the University of Opole), Małgorzata Pięta-Kanurska (Wrocław University of Economics), Zdzisław Pisz (Wrocław University of Economics), Tomasz Przerwa (the University of Wrocław), Dariusz Przybytek (the University of Wrocław), Lidia Przymuszała (the University of Opole), Robert Rauziński (the Silesian Institute), Andrzej Rączaszek (the University of Economics in Katowice), Artur Rejter (the University of Silesia in Katowice), Katarzyna Rembacka (The West Pomeranian In-Service Teacher Training Center), Violetta Rezler-Wasielewska (the Central Museum of Prisoners-of-War), Sebastian Rosenbaum (the Institute of National Rememberance – Katowice), Małgorzata Ruchniewicz (the University of Wrocław), Andrzej Rykała (The University of Łódź), Mariusz Sawicki (The University of Opole), Jerzy Sierociuk (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Mirosława Siuciak (the University of Silesia in Katowice), Teresa Smolińska (The University of Opole), Marek Sobczyński (The University of Łódź), Iwona Sobieraj (the University of Opole), Stanisława Sochacka (Opole), Grzegorz Sokołowski (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu), Teresa Sołdra-Gwiżdż (the University of Opole), Grzegorz Strauchold (the University of Wrocław), Kai Struve (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittemberg), Andrzej Szczepaniak (the University of Opole), Marek S. Szczepański (the University of Silesia in Katowice), Krzysztof Tarka (the University of Opole), Barbara Techmańska (the University of Wrocław), Bogusław Tracz (the Institute of National Rememberance – Katowice), Elżbieta Trela-Mazur (the University of Opole), Małgorzata Twardzik (the University of Economics in Katowice), Jan A. Wendt (the University of Gdańsk), Mirosław Węcki (the Institute of National Rememberance – Katowice), Katarzyna Widera (Opole University of Technology), Marek Wierzbicki (the Catholic University of Lublin), Joanna Wojdon (the University of Wrocław), Filip Wolański (the University of Wrocław), Marcin Wójcik (the University of Łódź), Bogusław Wyderka (the University of Opole), Agata Zagórowska (the University of Opole), Alicja Zakrzewska-Półtorak (Wrocław University of Economics), Mariusz Zieliński (Opole University of Technology), Rościsław Żerelik (the University of Wrocław).
Thematic editors in the years 2013-2024
Monika Choroś (Instytut Śląski), Tomasz Głowiński (the University of Wrocław), Krytian Heffner (the University of Economics in Katowice), Maria Kalczyńska (Opole University of Technology), Brygida Klemens (Opole University of Technology), Krzysztof Kleszcz (the Silesian Institute), Bartosz Jan Kuświk (the Silesian Institute), Michał Lis (the Silesian Institute), Piotr Madajczyk (the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw), Piotr Pałys (the Silesian Institute), Stanisław Senft (the Silesian Institute), Brygida Solga (the Silesian Institute), Bogusław Wyderka (the Silesian Institute)

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Contact to the Editorial Office

Editor-in-Chief – dr Bartosz Jan Kuświk: b.kuswik@instytutslaski.pl

Editorial Office Secretary – Robert Wieczorek: r.wieczorek@instytutslaski.pl, tel. No. +48 531 400 242

The Editorial Office address:

E-mail: sekretariat@instytutslaski.pl Postal address: The Editorial Office of “Silesian Studies” Silesian Institute (Instytut Śląski) ul. Piastowska 17 45-082 Opole Poland