The semi-annual journal “Silesian Studies,” the most important periodical issued by the Silesian Institute, is one of the scientific journals of interdisciplinary character present on the Polish publishing market for the longest time.
“Silesian Studies” provide venue to historians, political science scholars, sociologists, economists and other researchers who address the most relevant problems concerning Silesia within its historical borders. “Silesian Studies” are also intended to provide a forum where researchers from Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic and other countries can exchange their views upon issues connected with regions, ethnic minorities and the question of nationality in Central Europe.
Until 2022, 89 volumes have been issued within the new series. Each volume has a fixed structure consisting of two sections: “Articles” and “Miscellanea and Materials.” Since 2010, a separate column “Reviews” has appeared as well, and it serves for the publication of larger reviews and information about research projects concerning Silesia, as well as about other forms of scientific life.
“Silesian Studies” are listed in the Index Copernicus and in the CEEOL – Central and Eastern European Online Library databases.