- Editorial – reflections on the Oder (Tomasz Głowiński, Bartosz Jan Kuświk)
- Marek Zawadka, The Oder. Why Is It So? And What Next? – instead of an introduction
- Grzegorz Strauchold, The Oder – Will Someone Ever Write Everything About It…? On the Polish Western Thought at the Turn
of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century - Andrzej Mielcarek, The Transformations of the Oder Navigation in 1815–1945
- Rafał Igielski, The Military Role of Rivers in the Silesian Field of War Activities. Historical overview
- Edward Nycz, The Past and Present Role of the River in the Social and Economic Life of the City (on the Example of Kędzierzyn-Koźle)
- Marek Zawadka, Waterways and Inland Waterway Transport in Poland. A Guide to Archival Materials
- Aleksandra Trzcielińska-Polus, The Polish and German Dispute over Teaching the Language
- Aleksandra Trzcielińska-Polus (selection, translation and compilation), The Bundestag Materials Devoted to the Oder’s Ecological
Catastrophe in 2022
- Agnieszka Misiurska, Report from the Nationwide Scientific Conference: „Czegośmy pożądali, tegośmy doczekali”. W setną rocznicę zmagań
o Górny Śląsk i jego podziału (1918–1922), Opole–Jarnołtówek, October 12th–13th, 2022 - Elżbieta Trela-Mazur, Review of Teresa Zielińska’s Book, Kiedyś znani, Opole 2022, 191 pp.
- Bernard Linek, Review: Matthäus Wehowski, Deutsche Katholiken zwischen Kreuz und Fahne. Konfessionelle Mobilisierung und nationale Aushandlungsprozesse in Slawonien und Ost-Oberschlesien (1922–1926), Marburg 2020, 201 pp., ISBN 978-3-87969-457-0 189