Studia Śląskie tom 9 - okładka

Silesian Studies vol. 9


I. Articles

  • Seweryn Wysłouch, The Polish [Evangelical] protestants in Silesia of the 19th century in their struggle against germanisation
  • Bogusław Olszewski, Interference of the German state in the Silesian agriculture during the inter-war period
  • Stefan Czech, The county and the town Opole during the first years after the liberation

II. Miscellanea and Materials

  • Jerzy Pośpiech, Silesian affairs in the daily “Czas” (Time) of Cracow (1848—1871)
  • Stanisława Sochacka, Konstanty Damrot, the vindicator of the Polish Silesia in onomastics
  • Gerard Bieniek, The voice of the Rev. Józef Wajda on national and social oppression in Upper Silesia in the beginning of the 20th century
  • Joachim Glensk, About literary adaptation of “Bartek Zwycięzca” (Bartek, the Conqueror), the short story of Henryk Sienkiewicz in Silesia
  • Herbert Szurgacz, Liquidation of the Polish organisations and their posts in Opole district during the years 1939—1941
  • Alfred Konieczny, Organisation of gestapo in Katowice between 1939 and 1945


Autorzy / Authors

Bieniek Gerard, Czech Stefan, Glensk Joachim, Konieczny Alfred, Olszewski Bogusław, Pośpiech Jerzy, Sochacka Stanisława, Szurgacz Herbert, Wysłouch Seweryn

Miejsce wydania / Place of issue


Rok wydania / Year of issue

Redakcja / Editorial staff

Seweryn Wysłouch

Liczba stron / Number of pages