Studia Śląskie tom 78 - okładka

Silesian Studies vol. 78

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I. Studies

  • Piotr Pałys, Opole 1945 − the first year
  • Marcin Sroka, First secretaries of PUWP in Opole in the years 1950−1990
  • Zbigniew Bereszyński, Under the sign of a “dynamic development.” The economic strategy of PUWP after December ’70 and its implementation on the example of the Opole province
  • Stanisław M. Koziarski, The investments in the railway network in Upper Silesia in the years 1945−1990
  • Adriana Dawid, The apogee and the end of the Stalinist celebrations of Labour Day in the Opole voivodeship (part 1)
  • Bernard Linek, The ratio [correction: the approach] of minorities in Upper Silesia to the memory of the Silesian uprisings (part 2)

II. Miscellanea and materials

  • Lidia Przymuszała, Dorota Świtała-Trybek, A culinary heritage in Silesian proverbs
  • Grzegorz Rak, Małgorzata Pstrocka-Rak, The state of the development of tourism at health resorts in the Sudetes in the first half of the 19th century

III. Reviews

  • Brygida Solga, The National Training Fund as an instrument of labour market policy in the area of continuing education

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  • Kamila Nowak, Silesian dialectal vocabulary on houses, outhouses and their equipment [dictionary]
Autorzy / Authors

Bereszyński Zbigniew, Dawid Adriana, Koziarski Stanisław, Linek Bernard, Nowak Kamila, Pałys Piotr, Przymuszała Lidia, Pstrocka-Rak Małgorzata, Rak Grzegorz, Solga Brygida, Sroka Marcin, Świtała-Trybek Dorota

Miejsce wydania / Place of issue


Rok wydania / Year of issue

Redakcja / Editorial staff

Bernard Linek

Liczba stron / Number of pages