Studia Śląskie tom 68 - okładka

Silesian Studies vol. 68


The Silesian Institute on the turn of the centuries. The place and the role of the center conducting the research into Silesia

  • Marek S. Szczepański, Anna Śliz, The mission of an institution. A word about the obligations of Instytut Śląski w Opolu (The Silesian Institute of Opole)
  • Michal Lis, The historical studies in Instytut Śląski (Silesian Institute) based in Katowice (1934-1949) and in Opole since 1957
  • Staniłaawa Sochacka, Studies in the Polish language conducted at Instytut Śląski (Silesian Institute)
  • Teresa Sołdra-Gwiżdż, The sociological discourses about Silesia within the organizational frameworks of Instytut Śląski (Silesian Institute)
  • Wiesław Drobek, Brygida Solga, Kazimierz Szczygielski, The problem area of the geographical-spatial research in the works of Instytut Śląski in Opole


  • Jarosław Kuczer, From glory to decline. The settlement of titular nobility in Silesia after the Thirty-Year War. A case study of the family of the Dukes von Dünnewald (1669-1718)
  • Mariusz Pawelec, The castle in Preszkow as an example of the Upper Silesian magnate’s residence – the process of formation of the object and its cultural influence
  • Sebastian Rosenbaum, A librarian, historian, agent. The casus of Franciszek Szymiczek
  • Bogusław Tracz, Abuses in the meat economy and the so-called “meat affairs” in the area of Upper-Silesian conurbation in the years 1945-1970

Miscellanea and Materials

  • Joanna Lusek, The medical care in Bytom until 1939
  • Paweł Szygulski, The attitude of “Polska Zachodnia” (The Western Poland) towards the Special Commission of the Silesian Parliament in 1927
  • Andrzej Hanich, Around the journey of the Bishop of Katowice, Stanisław Adamski, to Wrocław and his tour of Opole Silesia in May and June 1945 (a selection of documents)
  • Zbigniew Bereszyński, The strike actions at the academic centers of Opole in 1981

They have departed

  • Karol Jonca (1930-2008)
  • Kazimierz Orzechowski (1923-2009)
  • Władysław Jacher (1931-2009)
  • Lucyna Frąckiewicz (1926-2009)
  • Ryszard Kałuża (1940-2009)
Autorzy / Authors

Bereszyński Zbigniew, Drobek Wiesław, Hanich Andrzej, Kuczer Jarosław, Lis Michał, Pawelec Mariusz, Rosenbaum Sebastian, Śliz Anna, Sochacka Stanisława, Solga Brygida, Sołdra-Gwiżdż Teresa, Szczepański Marek S., Szczygielski Kazimierz, Szygulski Paweł, Tracz Bogusław, Łusek Joanna

Miejsce wydania / Place of issue


Rok wydania / Year of issue

Streszczenia / Summaries

Streszczenie, Summary, Zusammenfassung, Spis treści, Contents, Inhaltsverzeichnis

Redakcja / Editorial staff

Stanisław Senft

Liczba stron / Number of pages