Studia Śląskie tom 65 - okładka

Silesian Studies vol. 65


About Silesian educational system

  • Joanna Łusek, The development of the Evangelical school system in Bytom (from the sixteenth century to the first half of the twentieth century)
  • Adam Kubacz, The history of schooling in Miechowice
  • Edmund Pech, The nationalistic-socialist educational policy and national minorities. An attempt of comparison of Serbs of Lusatia’s situation
  • Leokadia Drożdż, The Polish school system in Zaolzie after 1989

Miscellanea and Materials

  • Marcin Wieczorek, Remarks on the significance of the medieval Żory within Ratibor Duchy
  • Irena Korbelářová, Rudolf Žáček, The tax-related burdens of Opole-Ratibor Duchy in the last quarter-of-the-century of the 171h century
  • Joanna Nowosielska-Sobel, The exhibition “Labor and Culture in Upper Silesia” („Arbeit and Kultur in Oberschlesien”) and the Silesian Union for Protection of Mother Country in Wroclaw in 1919
  • Wanda Musialik, The Silesian Economic Fund. The endeavors in the period between the Wars to obtain a systemic support for the economic activity in Silesia Province
  • Jacek Piotrowski, The Silesian Sanacja towards Czechoslovakia in the years 1926-1939 in the light of publications of “Polska Zachodnia”
  • Krzysztof Faryna, The situation of Social Insurance Companies in Silesia Province between 1945 and 1946
  • Edmund Nowak, Investigations and trials in the case of crimes committed in the labor Camp in Łambinowice in the years 1945-1946 (part 3)
  • Adam Dziuba, Aleksander Drozdowski, The fight of the security apparatus against the phenomenon of industrial sabotage in the Province of Silesia in 1949 (Maria Kandzia’s case)
  • Aleksandra Paszkowska, The history of the zoological garden and the park in Lipno – a monographic sketch
  • Mariusz Pawelec, Polish research into Andreas Gryphius (history and contemporary times)
Autorzy / Authors

Drozdowski Aleksander, Drożdż Leokadia, Dziuba Adam, Faryna Krzysztof, Korbelářova Irena, Kubacz Adam, Musialik Wanda, Nowak Edmund, Nowosielska-Sobel Joanna, Paszkowska Aleksandra, Pawelec Mariusz, Pech Edmund, Piotrowski Jacek, Wieczorek Marcin, Žáček Rudolf, Łusek Joanna

Miejsce wydania / Place of issue


Rok wydania / Year of issue

Redakcja / Editorial staff

Stanisław Senft

Liczba stron / Number of pages


Streszczenia / Summaries

Streszczenie, Summary, Zusammenfassung, Spis treści, Contents, Inhaltsverzeichnis