Studia Śląskie tom 57 - okładka

Silesian Studies vol. 57


  • Introduction
  • Michał Lis, Professor Andrzej Stanisław Brożek (10 Nov. 1933 – 20 Jan. 1994)
  • Adam Suchoński, The didactic workshop of professor Andrzej Brożek
  • Stanisława Sochacka, The personal name of Ambroży and its derivates in Polish onomatology
  • Kazimierz Orzechowski, Oberschlesische Separation. A contribution to the history of the tribute system of Old Silesia
  • Karol Jonca, Emigration from Opole Silesia to Texas (1853-1857)
  • Karol Fiedor, Agriculture in the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy till the end of World War 1
  • Wiesława Korzeniowska, Participation of large landed property in the economic changes of Upper Silesia in the latter half of the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century
  • Zbigniew Kwaśny, The Population of Wrzeszczyn Village (Boberullersdorf) in 1840
  • Włodzimierz Kaczorowski, The contribution of Vincenz Priessnitz from Jesenik to the development of European physiatrics
  • Halina Florkowska-Frančić, About the contacts of Zygmunt Miłkowski with Americans of Polish Origin
  • Mieczysław Pater, “Gwiazda” – an illustrated weekly of Zygmunt Marwega in the light of Prussian official sources
  • Adam Galos, The history of passing a language clause included in the Act relative to association and meetings
  • Zdeněk Jirásek, Reflection of the national and political attitudes in the historiography of Czech Silesia
  • Mieczysław Wrzosek, Searching for chances of participation of the American Union of Polish “Sokols” in the armed fighting for Poland’s independence
  • Bolesław Woszczyński, The sources of military provenance to the history of Silesian Uprisings
  • Marek Czapliński, The Strzegom Blood Sunday. The authorities’ mistake, the planned conflict or the result of „mob psychology”?
  • Wanda Musialik, Moral ccndition of the Polish immigrants to Silesia in the interwar period (in the opinions of members belonging to the Elite of Catholic Church)
  • Dan Gawrecki, German emigration in the district of Kmov (Jägerndorf) in the years 1933-1938
  • Mirosław Cygański,  A growing crisis in the relations of Czechoslovakia with Germany and Poland in the years 1933-1938
  • Władysław Jacher, The processes of sociocultural adaptation of the Polish population in the regained Western and Northern Territories after the year 1945
  • Krystian Heffner, The arrivals from Germany in Opole Silesia in the light of migrational processes and connections
  • Wiesław Lesiuk, Polish emigrants in Germany – motives, circumstances, conditions and consequences
  • Aleksandra Trzcielińska-Polus, Situation and expectations of Poles settled in the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Hieronim Kubiak, The Third Republic towards the educational needs of Polish national minorities and Polish emigrants
  • Monika Gruchmanowa, About the vanishing Silesian enclave in Independence, Wisconsin, USA
Autorzy / Authors

Cygański Mirosław, Czapliński Marek, Fiedor Karol, Florkowska-Frančić Halina, Galos Adam, Gawrecki Dan, Heffner Krystian, Jacher Władysław, Jirásek Zdeněk, Jonca Karol, Kaczorowski Włodzimierz, Korzeniowska Wiesława, Kubiak Hieronim, Kwaśny Zbigniew, Lesiuk Wiesław, Lis Michał, Monika Gruchmanowa, Musialik Wanda, Orzechowski Kazimierz, Pater Mieczysław, Sochacka Stanisława, Suchoński Adam, Trzcielińska-Polus Aleksandra, Woszczyński Bolesław, Wrzosek Mieczysław

Miejsce wydania / Place of issue


Rok wydania / Year of issue

Streszczenia / Summaries

Streszczenie, Summary, Zusammenfassung, Spis treści, Contents, Inhaltsverzeichnis

Redakcja / Editorial staff

Wiesław Lesiuk

Liczba stron / Number of pages