Studia Śląskie tom 47 - okładka

Silesian Studies vol. 47


  • Stanisława Sochacka, Henryk Borek (1929—1986)


  • Henryk Borek, The Frederic colonization in the Upper Silesia in the light of the local onomastics
  • Franz Reisch, The traditions of the Polish and Serbo-Lusatian workers’ defence fight against peace-threatening expansion to the East
  • Wanda Musialik, The fight for influence in Polish Scouts’ Association between the “Sanacja” and National Democratic Party in the years 1926-1934
  • Janusz Gilas, The problems of repayment of foreign debts in the light of international law

Miscellanea and Materials

  • Bogusław Wyderka, A relic of the Polish Silesian office language from the 17th century
  • Stanisława Sochacka, A page of history of Wrocław Slavonic Studies. Letters of Władysław Nehring and Lucjan Malinowski to Leon Mańkowski
  • Dan Gawrecki, The Czech press in Opava nn Moravian Brethren in the Prussian Silesia (1861-1883)
  • Joachim Glensk, The decisive settlement of the clergy with the National Democratic Party Silesian press
  • Krystyna Kossakowska-Jarosz, “A Catholic. The Calendar for Everyone”. The history, contents and role of the publication in the years 1919-1932
  • Ryszard Hajduk, The problem of the Poles from the German army as the Soviet prisoners in the light of the diplomatic documents of Władysław Sikorski government

Reviews and Surveys of Research

  • Krystyna Kossakowska-Jarosz (rec.), “Miner’s calendar of ‘Ziemowit’ coal-mine,” 1986
  • Wiesław Drobek (rec.), A catalogue of maps of the Oder Regulation Board (18th-19. c.), ed. J. Janczak
  • Bogdan Cimała (rec.), Antoni Steuer: A history of heavy athletics in the Upper Silesia (1898-1945)
  • Stanisława Sochacka (rec.), Olbrycht Strumieński: “About the ways, building, measuring and fishing in ponds, also on weighting and managing, water and tunnels. Books useful for all landlords,” ed. Kwaśniewska-Mżyk
  • Stanisław Senft (rec.), “Studies and materials on the history of Silesia”, vol. 16
  • Arkadiusz Chłap (rec.), Studies on the transformation of the structure of the Opole region towns and their spatial development. ed. K. Heffner
Autorzy / Authors

Borek Henryk, Chłap Arkadiusz, Cimała Bogdan, Drobek Wiesław, Gawrecki Dan, Gilas Janusz, Glensk Joachim, Hajduk Ryszard, Kossakowska-Jarosz Krystyna, Musialik Wanda, Reisch Franz, Senft Stanisław, Sochacka Stanisława, Wyderka Bogusław

Miejsce wydania / Place of issue


Rok wydania / Year of issue

Redakcja / Editorial staff

Janusz Kroszel

Liczba stron / Number of pages