Studia Śląskie tom 40 - okładka

Silesian Studies vol. 40


I. Articles

  • Stanisław Gruszecki, Exploitation of the Odra river under the German administration
  • Alfred Konieczny, Women in the concentration camp of Gross-Rosen in the years 1944—1945
  • Damian Tomczyk, The battle for the bridge-head on the Odra near Żelazna (22nd — 31st Jan. 1945)
  • Czesław Nowiński, Restoration of village farmsteads in Lower Silesia in the years 1945—1949
  • Stanisław Pajączkowski, Society of Workers’ University in Lower Silesia in the years 1945—1948
  • Maria Grygierczyk, Engineers in socialized economy of Opole voivodeship
  • Robert Rauziński, About investigations on external migration of the Opole-Silesia population in the years 1950—1980

II. Miscellanea and Materials

  • Hanna Górecka, Alicja Janeczko, Natural movement of people in the parish of Sławięcice in the years 1804—1870
  • Bogdan Cimała, Antoni Steuer, Sports movement in Upper Silesia in the years 1918—1922
  • Ryszard Hajduk, Problem of Poles – former soldiers of the German army at the sessions held by the Military Committee of Polish Republic National Council in London
Autorzy / Authors

Cimała Bogdan, Górecka Hanna, Gruszecki Stanisław, Grygierczyk Maria, Hajduk Ryszard, Janeczko Alicja, Konieczny Alfred, Nowiński Czesław, Pajączkowski Stanisław, Rauziński Robert, Steuer Antoni, Tomczyk Damian

Miejsce wydania / Place of issue


Rok wydania / Year of issue

Redakcja / Editorial staff

Karol Jonca

Liczba stron / Number of pages