Studia Śląskie tom 20 - okładka

Silesian Studies vol. 20

ContentsFrom the Editor

  • Stanisława Barącz, Agrarian crises in Silesian agriculture during the period of capitalism
  • Karol J. Błahut, German investment credits of September 30th 1938 as an instrument of fascist commercial policy in relations with Poland
  • Andrzej Brożek, The oldest Polish press accounts of Upper-Silesian pioneers in Texas
  • Jerzy Czupiał, Economists in heavy industry. Research on the structure of economic personnel in the South-western region of Poland
  • Władysław Dziewulski, Upper Silesia and the November Insurrection
  • Stefan Golachowski, The Chrzelice Urbarium
  • Wanda Iżyk, Relations between production potential and the personal factor in the  Legnica-Głogów Copper Area
  • Edward Jędrzejewski, The Nazi legal and political doctrine providing the basis for the system of government of the Third Reich
  • Karol Jonca, Political doctrine of the aristocratic anti-Nazi “opposition” in Silesia (1940—1944). The “Kreisauer Kreis” controversy
  • Jan Jończyk, Problems of employment legislation in the Polish People’s Republic in the years 1956—1970
  • Edmund Klein, The attitude of the Prussian government towards the anti-Polish legislation in Upper Silesia during the period of the German November Revolution. The fate of the unpublished proclamation to the Upper Silesians
  • Józef Kokot, Conditioned attitudes in Polish-German relations
  • Alfred Konieczny, Deportations of the Polish population from Żywiec district in 1940 (“Saybusch-Aktion”)
  • Andrzej Kudłaszyk, The political ideas of Bolesław Wysłouch – the co-founder of the Polish countrypeople’s movement (from 1886)
  • Manfred Kutyma, Professional ambitions and social-regional origins among the people of Opole Silesia
  • Tadeusz Ładogórski, An attempt to determine the Polish-German language boundaries in Lower Silesia in the 16th century
  • Józef Matuszewski, Perna and berna
  • Bogusław Olszewski, Nationality discrimination aspects of the Weimar Republic’s policy of intervention in Silesia in the light of certain German documents
  • Kazimierz Orzechowski, Tribunal assemblies. From studies on the system of state representation in feudal Silesia
  • Franciszek Połomski, Sterilisation courts in the Third Reich (1933—1945)
  • Bolesław Reiner, Organizational changes in the administration of the Catholic Church in Silesia in the 19th and 20th centuries. From studies on the dispositional structure of religious creeds
  • Stanisław Rospond, Information and misinformation on the Polish-German language boundaries in Silesia in the 19th century
  • Norbert Słopecki, Upper-Silesian metallurgical exports to the USSR against the background of Polish-Soviet economic relations in the inter-war years
  • Władysław Sobociński, The social and legislative structure of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw
  • Herbert Szurgacz, Certain aspects of the position of Poles conscripted for forced labour during World War II as seen in contemporary West German literature
  • Alojzy Targ, The Tadeusz Kościuszko cult in Silesia
  • Jan Wąsicki, The influence of the partition of Poland on government reforms in Prussia up to the year 1806
  • Leszek Winowski, Dissenters in Medieval thought and legends
Autorzy / Authors

Barącz Stanisława, Brożek Andrzej, Błahut Karol, Czupiał Jerzy, Dziewulski Władysław, Golachowski Stefan, Iżyk Wanda, Jędrzejewski Edward, Jonca Karol, Jończyk Jan, Klein Edmund, Kokot Józef, Konieczny Alfred, Kudłaszyk Andrzej, Kutyma Manfred, Matuszewski Józef, Olszewski Bogusław, Orzechowski Kazimierz, Połomski Franciszek, Reiner Bolesław, Sobociński Władysław, Stanisław Rospond, Szurgacz Herbert, Słopecki Norbert, Targ Alojzy, Wąsicki Jan, Winowski Leszek, Ładogórski Tadeusz

Miejsce wydania / Place of issue


Rok wydania / Year of issue

Redakcja / Editorial staff

Józef Kokot

Liczba stron / Number of pages