- Józef Kokot, Professor Seweryn Wysłouch
- Karol Jonca, A sketch of professor Seweryn Wysłouch’s scientific work
I. Articles
- Jan Wosch, Municipal land property holdings in Upper Silesia in 1782 and their origins
- Edmund Klein, Authoritative German sources and the Upper-Silesian question in December 1918 r.)
- Bogusław Olszewski, The theory and practice of the economic policy of the III Reich in Silesia
- Alfred Konieczny, The extent of the employment of forcibly conscripted foreign workers and prisoners of war in the economy of Lower Silesia during the II World War
- Jerzy Chodorowski, Problems arising from the doctrine of”Grossraumwirtschaft”
II. Miscellanea and Materials
- Karol Jonca, The elimination od Polish school teachers in the districts of Zwiercie and Blachownia incorporated in Opole regency (1940 r.)
- František Mainus, Zdeněk Konečnỳ, Addendum to the history of the prisoner-of-war camp in Łambinowice